If you delete something by accident, or are having any other database problems, you can then restore your database from that good backup. Now you’ll have a good working copy of your database locally stored safely on your own computer. On your local machine, go to the folder your web-browser downloaded the database backup and you should now see the compressed.For WordPress sites, this is your wp-config.php file. If you aren’t sure which database is associated with your site, check the name in the site’s configuration data. Now under the Download a MySQL Database Backup section, click on the name of the database you wish to download.Retrieve a Standard Database Backup in cPanel You should now have successfully backed up your website files by downloading a partial home directory backup in cPanel.

In this example, the home directory backup is named.

In the Full Backup section, click the Download a Full Account Backup button.Under Other cPanel Backup Plugins, click on cPanel Backups.Click the Backup Manager button in the Files section of cPanel.Please be advised, we do not allow anyone to store backups in File Manager- you must store them off of the server. This handy utility will create a compressed file that you then can download to your local computer for storage.

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