
How to scam gold selling websites osr
How to scam gold selling websites osr

how to scam gold selling websites osr

Even newcomers have great opportunities to make gold and those opportunities expand as players level their characters, get access to new areas in-game, train their skills allowing to for example slay mightier beasts which yield superior loot, begin to hack their way at Magic or Yew trees instead of normal ones or mine Runite ore instead of say, Coal. Flipping OSRS items in the Grand Exchange can net lots of Old School Runescape gold for players who know what they are doing. From PvP combat to get the epic loot of other players to cutting trees and leveling other non-combat skills. Luckily, OSRS Coins are acquired in hundreds of ways and almost anyone can find the right grind for them. Getting Old School Runescape gold can be a long process. Even Old School Runescape memberships can be bought through Cheap OSRS Gold by buying Runescape Bonds from other players. Old School Runescape Gold allows players to get almost anything in the game either through trading and the Grand Exchange. OSRS GP hasn’t changed since the original inception of the game. OSRS Gold is the main type of currency in the game.

how to scam gold selling websites osr

Please note I have additional proof of trades being made etc but would rather provide those in deleted messages if a Mod or admin could please look into that for me.100% Secure Payments guarantee by TradeShield OSRS Gold

how to scam gold selling websites osr

Please note I also put a Kodai wand on the account whilst doing his 99 magic service. Proof of items owed back to me with him saying - Screenshot - d974cf78c1503c70482d8a756ecf37b8 - Gyazo Proof for 300m to be purchased for half of transaction for $2,000 total payment to be made: Screenshot - a471a2d199b696e8555958eb604f1099 - Gyazo

how to scam gold selling websites osr

Screen capture - 12c64f065115738adecc48a1d95feecb - Gyazo - Shows the amount they owed me for work done on their account. Proof that it's their Discord: There discord information on there profile: Screenshot - 747d3d5bd80e03e5190fe0a65fde9008 - Gyazo How they scammed: Never paid for service, gold and stole borrowed items. Report against OSRSQUEST service scam & gold sale scam.Įxplanation of the trade: Items scammed, service scam & gold sale scam.

How to scam gold selling websites osr